Legal Notice
This site is the property of AM Properties, holder HILA, whose registration number is 660.5.481.023-9 and whose head office is located Rue Crespin 16, 1206 Geneva.
Publication director: Mrs. Ema Hila
Creation: Digital 4U (
Site manager: Maxime Plommet, Digital 4U
Contact :
SA with capital of 102,000 CHF
Head office: Rue Eugène-Marziano 25, 1227 Les Acacias, Switzerland
Intellectual property :
This website, its general structure, as well as the texts, animated or non-animated images and any other element making up the site are the exclusive property of Ema Hila's individual company.
Any total or partial reproduction or representation of this site, by any means whatsoever, without the express authorization of the individual company Ema Hila is prohibited.
In the absence of express authorization, Ema Hila's sole proprietorship reserves the right to pursue any act of infringement of its intellectual property rights.
Applicable law – jurisdiction:
The site and its content are governed by French law and any possible dispute relating thereto will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Swiss courts.